It is a privilege to be at the end of the line of the lymphoedema support group phone.
The service has been running for some years now and received thousands of calls.
The reasons for the phone calls vary enormously. The service is used by professionals - doctors wanting information about lymphoedema - general information, treatment or where to send patients. Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists interested in courses or inquiring where to send people for treatment, and interested in joining the Practitioners' Group.
Of course, the majority of queries come from those who have had surgery, about to have surgery, those who have lymphoedema or feel that they may be at risk.
There are calls from concerned relatives, partners and friends. Some people with lymphoedema have a need to be heard and time is spent listening with advice given, if appropriate. There has been one phone call from a firm willing to raise money for us. What a wonderful gesture!
At the information day on 18/3/00, many volunteered their services and this will need to be harnessed. The phone will be used for this purpose. It is of great benefit to be a professional and to be able to assess each query with experience gained by many years in the profession of physiotherapy.
It must be emphasised that there is disclaimer on any advice.
I enjoy listening to people, so please don't hesitate to call if you have a problem or want to off-load. 
Bye for now,
Barbara Smith