Speakers at the Nurse Information Day:
Professor Neil Piller
Neil is a Lymphologist and Director of the Lymphoedema Research Unit at Flinders University in Adelaide. He is an executive member of the International Society for Lymphology and a member of the Editorial Boards for multiple journals including the Journal of Lymphoedema. Prof Piller is a director of the International Lymphoedema Framework and a member of the steering committees for the Australian and American Lymphoedema Frameworks. He is also a member of the World Alliance for Wound and Lymphoedema Care.
Dr Helen Mackie
Dr Helen Mackie is a consultant in rehabilitation medicine and medical director of the Mt Wilga Private Hospital Lymphoedema Service. She is also past president of the Australasian Lymphology Association (ALA). Dr Mackie also makes up part of the team at the Advanced Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic (ALAC) at Macquarie University Hospital Clinic. She is also a member of the Lymphoedema Action Alliance Steering Committee.
Jill Sparks
Jill Sparks is a Wound Clinical Nurse Consultant working in the Western Sydney Local Health Network. She is a former Committee Member of the Australian Wound Management Association (AWMA).
Louise Koelmeyer
Louise Koelmeyer is an accredited Occupational Therapist specialising in the area of breast cancer rehabilitation and lymphoedema early detection, assessment and management. She has over twenty years clinical experience working in the public and private sector and is also involved in research in lymphoedema to promote evidence based best practice. Louise is a member of the Australasian Lymphology Association and the National Lymphoedema Practitioners Register. She is a Director of Lymphoedema Training and Education. Louise is also a member of the Macquarie Cancer Institute Lymphoedema Team, being their Life After Cancer Experience (LACE) Development Manager.
Sally Kava
Sally Kava is an accredited Occupational Therapist specialising in lymphoedema management. Sally is a member of the Australasian Lymphology Association and the National Lymphoedema Practitioners Register. She is a Director of Lymphoedema Training and Education. Sally also works as part of the Mt Wilga Early Intervention Program.
Andrea Mangion
Andrea is an accredited Physiotherapist specialising in lymphoedema managment. Andrea is a member of the Australasian Lymphology Association and the National Lymphoedema Practitioners Register. She is a Director of Lymphoedema Training and Education. She is also the previous team leader at the Mt Wilga Lymphoedema Clinic.