Free Bus available from the following Rural/Regional Areas!
A free bus service (dependent on minimum numbers being reached) will be made available from parts of rural and regional NSW to assist people to attend the Lymphoedema Information Day in Sydney on Saturday March 16th. The Lymphoedema Support Group of NSW recognises that the Information Days are held in Sydney (due to logistic reasons) and would like to provide the opportunity for those living in regional areas of NSW to attend the day. The availability of transport will mean that those who live so far from Sydney will not miss out on the opportunity to attend the day, due to the distance needed to travel on one’s own.
Buses will be available from these areas: (dependent on minimum numbers being reached, so please let us know at your earliest convenience)
- Maitland / Lake Macquarie / Central Coast
- Canberra
- Nowra / Dapto / Wollongong
So register for the Information Day, and get in early to book your seat on the bus as there are limited numbers available! Please let us know if you wish to get the bus by contacting us via email: or phone: Liane O’Brien (02) 9113-2163 (Physio Dept., St George Hospital) at your earliest convenience.
If you haven’t been able to come along to an Information Day before because of the distance, this is the perfect opportunity to come along to Sydney to learn more about lymphoedema, meet other people living with lymphoedema, and see the trade displays with the latest products! We hope to see you there.