Every two years the Australasian Lymphology Association (ALA) holds a national conference for clinicians, educators and researchers in the field of Lymphology. The ALA Conference 2012 will be held in Cairns from the 24th-26th of May. Each year there is a Consumer Day, and this year it will be held on Saturday the 26th of May.
Please Click Here to access the Australasian Lymphology Association website for more information on this conference.
Please download a flyer for more information about the day.
Financial Assistance
In order to assist consumers in getting to this consumer day, the ALA conference committee will be offering some financial assistance to consumers and/or their carers. This has been made possible by a Commonwealth Grant. Please complete this application form to apply for assistance from the ALA.
Similarly, the Lymphoedema Support Group of NSW, would also like to offer a grant to assist a member to travel to attend the consumer day. The grant would be for $500. Please complete this application form to apply for assistance from the LSGNSW.
It is possible to apply for both Consumer Assistance Applications, however you will only be eligible for one of them. Both organisations are keen to see the selected consumer contribute back to their community about their experiences. So be sure to include this in your application form. Hope to see you there!